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Top 5 Questions Asked About Lake Travis

Top 5 Questions Asked About Lake Travis
Top 5 Questions Asked About Lake Travis

1. How low is the water level of Lake Travis?

Lake Travis is designed to fluctuate and is not a constant level lake unlike Lake Austin and Lake LBJ. Lake levels are measured in "MSL" or mean sea level. Lake Travis is considered full at 681 msl. Go Lake Travis has a very easy to read chart to reference the lake's level.

2. It's raining right now! Will this fill Lake Travis back up?

For water to end up in Travis it must fall in the watershed for Lake Travis. Rainfall south or east of Austin will not help the lake level.

Watershed for Lake Travis - Rain needs to fall in Fredericksburg and Johnson City to end up in the Pedernales River, which flows into Lake Travis. Rainfall in Llano County will also benefit the lake as it ends up in Lake LBJ, which being a constant level lake will require the LCRA to open the dam and release it down river.

Hydromet - Reference this map to see the water flows in the various creeks and tributaries of the Highland Lakes. Water flows are measured in "CFS" or cubic feet per second. The higher the number you see in the tributaries of Lake Travis, the more water that is flowing into the lake.

3. What boat ramps are open on Lake Travis?

The "LCRA" or Lowed Colorado River Authority is in charge of managing the lake. Both the LCRA and the Travis Country Parks Department operate various public boat ramps on the lake. Reference these sites to determine if the ramp you wish to use is open. (P.S. Bring cash! They don't accept credit cards.)

Briarcliff (This is a private pay to use ramp near Pace Bend)

4. Is Mansfield Dam ramp open?

Yes... just yes. I see this question asked WAY too much! It's almost as if Google didn't exist. haha Mansfield Dam Park's boat ramp is one of the deepest on the lake. It is open until the lake hits 633 msl.

5. I heard about toxic algae in Lake Travis. Is that still an issue?

Yes, currently blue-green algae is present in the Highland Lakes, including Lake Travis. You are advised to avoid allowing pets to make contact with the water. This particular algae contains a cyanotoxin that is harmful to pets and humans. Symptoms for dogs include drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, difficulty breathing, seizures, and even death. If you have visited the lake with your dog and notice these symptoms, bring them to a veterinarian immediately. This algae is not much of a concern for humans, this algae is present along the shorelines and not out where you would be swimming.

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